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An official website of the United States government

Privacy Policy


  1. Overview
  2. Security and Privacy Safeguards
  3. Cookies
  4. Information Collected and Stored automatically
  5. Privacy Act Information
  6. Legal Authority
    1. OVERVIEW (8/2001)This site is provided for the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee by the United States Mint as part of its administrative support required at 31 U.S.C. §5135(e). We welcome you to view the full United States Mint Privacy Policy Statement.
    2. SECURITY AND PRIVACY SAFEGUARDS (12/2003)This is an official United States Government System, which may be used only for authorized purposes. For site security purposes and to ensure that this service remains available to all users, we employ software that can monitor network traffic and identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or otherwise cause damage. Use of this system constitutes consent to such monitoring and auditing. Uploading or changing information, or attempting to upload or change information, on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act. Except for authorized law enforcement investigations, this monitoring and auditing is not used to identify individual users or their usage habits.If you choose to transmit or receive personal information electronically (such as by e-mail), you should be aware that we cannot guarantee confidentiality across the Internet. Many browsers support Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a communications protocol which encrypts data transferred between your browser and a web server. As a government agency, the United States Mint is committed to the security of its information systems.The United States Mint maintains a robust information security program. Mint information systems are safeguarded by an interlocking matrix of technical, operational and management controls designed to prevent any compromise of information confidentiality, integrity or availability. The United States Mint reviews and tests these security controls as part of an ongoing process, to ensure that personally-identifiable information about the public is protected as it is being processed, when it is transmitted and while it is being stored on any Mint information technology system. Customer data is stored in electronic databases in physically secured facilities, with restricted access that is further controlled by user authentication protocols.
    3. COOKIES (5/2013)Some parts of our site use technologies such as "cookies," small files placed on your hard drive when you access a Web site.We use two types of cookies on our Web site:
      • We use session cookies to improve navigation and keep you connected to our site. Session cookies are temporary data files that expire when you close your browser, and are then automatically deleted from your computer. For instance, we use session cookies in our catalog shopping cart function to temporarily retain information about items you intend to purchase until you complete your transaction.  We do not use session cookies to collect personal information, and we do not share data collected from session cookies.  Our use of session cookies is defined as "Tier 1" usage in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies.
      • We use multi-session cookies, sometimes called persistent cookies, to customize our website for frequent visitors, to improve our website, and to provide a better user experience for our customers. To accomplish this, we use a third-party service called Google Analytics to anonymously collect and analyze Web traffic data.  Google Analytics does not use multi-session cookies to collect personal information.  These cookies are set to expire after a period of time from your last visit to our site. After these cookies expire, they are automatically deleted from your computer. Neither Google Analytics, nor the United States Mint, is able to identify an individual by using such technologies. The measurement data that is collected is only retained for as long as is needed for proper analysis and optimization of the website and is accessible only to employees whose position necessitates it. Our use of multi-session cookies is defined as "Tier 2" usage in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget Memorandum M-10-22, Guidance for Online Use of Web Measurement and Customization Technologies.
      If you do not wish to have session or persistent cookies on your computer, you can take action to block cookies by opting out.  Blocking session cookies from your computer will not affect your access to content on our Web site, but could prevent you from using our online catalog shopping cart. Blocking multi-session or persistent cookies will not prevent you from browsing and shopping online on our site, but may affect personalization on sites that offer it.  Your browser may allow you to turn cookies back on when you are ready to make a purchase.  Once your transaction is completed and confirmed, you may delete any usmint.gov cookies from your hard drive. For more information about how Google uses your information and how you can opt out of Google's use of cookies on this site, please see the following areas of Google's Web site. Google Privacy Policies and Cookie Opt Out Information
  1. INFORMATION COLLECTED AND STORED AUTOMATICALLY (5/2013)The United States Mint uses software to create summary site statistics. If you do not provide personally-identifying information such as sending e-mail, making an online purchase or completing an online form and visit our site solely to read or download information, we collect and store only the following types of data:
    • Networking: the domain you use to access the Internet and connection speed
    • When/Where: the date, time, and region from which you access our site
    • Content: pages you visited and files you downloaded on our site
    • Referrer: the Internet address of a Web site that may have referred you (linked) to our site
    • Device/Browser: technical information about the computer or device you use to access our site, e.g. operating system, screen resolution & color, Flash/Java support, language
    The United States Mint uses a variety of web measurement tools, including the Google Analytics web measurement service, to collect the above information.  Data collected by the Google Analytics service is automatically sent to Google's system and is immediately aggregated.  We receive Web measurement reports with statistics from Google Analytics that do not identify who you are. We store and use these statistics to manage and improve our Web site and the services we offer, but we do not use them to identify you or to associate you with your personal usage habits except in authorized law enforcement investigations.
  2. PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION (12/2003)The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a) is a law that addresses the way federal agencies maintain records about individuals. The law strives to balance the government's need to maintain these records with the individual's right to be protected from unwarranted invasions of personal privacy.Please contact the United States Mint Disclosure Officer, at (202) 354-7600, FOIA1@usmint.treas.gov, for information on the process by which you can be notified if a United States Mint Privacy Act system of records contains a record pertaining to you, and for information concerning the process by which you can gain access to such a record pertaining to you, and amend or contest its content.Any changes to the United States Mint's Routine Uses of personal information are also to be published in the Federal Register. Users of our recruiting site should also read the U.S. Office of Personnel Management disclosures as published by OPM in the Federal Register from time to time.
  3. LEGAL AUTHORITY (10/2000)Our authority to ask for personal information in connection with purchases and requests for newsletters and other numismatic-related communications and documents, and for correspondence, comes from 31 U.S.C. §§ 5111, 5112, 5131, 5132 & 5136; 31 C.F.R. Part 92; and other Acts of Congress authorizing the sale of commemorative coins and medals. Authority for the information requested by our recruiting site comes from 5 U.S.C. §§ 301, 1104, 1302, 3301, 3304, 3361, 3393 & 3394, and Executive Order 9397. Authority for the United States Mint to provide administrative support to the CCAC to carry out the responsibilities of the advisory committee comes from 31 U.S.C. §§5135.