Robin R. Salmon
Robin Salmon was appointed to the CCAC in 2018 and holds the position as a member qualified in sculpture or medallic arts. A native of Columbia, South Carolina, Robin has been on the staff of Brookgreen Gardens since 1975. She is the Vice President of Art and Historical Collections and Curator of Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens, where she directs the acquisition, documentation, exhibition, and conservations of Brookgreen's art history, library, and archives collections; the activities of the Caroll A. Campbell, Jr. Center for American Sculpture at Brookgreen Gardens; and Brookgreen's medallic art program.
Robin is an elected member of the National Sculpture Society, serves on its board of directors, and is on the editorial board of its magazine, Sculpture Review. In 2007, she received the Society's Sculpture House Award for outstanding service to American figurative sculpture. She was a 2018 recipient of the Gari Melchers Memorial Medal of The Artists' Fellowship, Inc. for her contributions to American sculpture and sculptors over a 40-year period. Robin has served on panels of the National Endowment for the Arts to select art for the U.S. Capitol and is nationally known for her knowledge of American art, history, and outdoor sculpture conservation.
Robin is the author of five books on Brookgreen Gardens' collections, a co-author of seven other books on art and history subjects, and of numerous essays and articles for exhibit catalogues, magazines, and other publications. She serves on several advisory committees including the Council of Advisors of the Women's Suffrage National Monument Foundation. The recipient of several awards, Robin recently received the National Sculpture Society's Medal of Honor in recognition of her outstanding support of the field of American Sculpture and Sculptors through her work as a professional curator, historian, archivist, writer, and editor.
Robin served as a member of the Citizens Coin Advisory Committee specially qualified in sculpture or medallic arts from 2018 to 2022.